A good memory that can be relied on is very helpful if you want to be successful in all aspects of your life. It will speed your ability to learn, including improving your career opportunities.
Mnemonic devices are used for memory in much the same fashion as shorthand writing is a useful device for taking dictation.
Place them in locations that you look at often, like next to a cell phone or computer. These little reminders can help make sure that you don’t forget anything important.
Make sure that you allow time to get enough quality sleep each night. Sleep is a key component in how well your short-term and long-term memory work. A tired mind has greater trouble recalling facts and file away memories.You could try to get more sleep during the night to improve your memory.
Fish oil should definitely be added to your memory. If you are very forgetful, you might not be getting adequate amounts of Omega-3 each day. You can get more in your diet easily by taking an Omega 3 supplement.
Stay socially active to keep a strong memory. This keeps you stay alert and happy. When you are depressed or lonely, your mind lacks stimulation and brain cells become dormant. Engaging in spirited social outings with others will keep your friends and family can help you to maintain an acute mind.
A helpful strategy to boost your memory to recall information is to picture the concepts that you want to remember and then recall them. If you are studying information from a textbook, try using charts and photos for visual cues to help you retain the information. You could also draw graphs and charts.
Take this time to link information that you want to memorize to information that you have already retain.
Go to the library and check out books to boost your memory.
Don’t overload yourself with too much information at one sitting. If there is something you must remember, make study sessions. It is not very effective to try to absorb a lot of information quickly and in one short session. Your brain will be overwhelmed, and you will inevitably forget much of what you learned. Make sure you have regular study regularly so that your brain can remember things.
Even if you’re not currently in college or school, it is crucial that you continue to learn new things. If you let your knowledge base stagnate, the memory-storing part of your brain isn’t stimulated. When you don’t stretch your memory on a regular basis, it is going to be harder.
If you link short-term memory facts with knowledge you have already acquired, you will better remember things and even accelerate the process of turning short term to long term memory.
Eat the right foods that help your brain and it will reward you with a sharp and versatile memory.Healthy types of fats are important for brain health. Avoid unhealthy trans fats, and instead focus on sources of healthy fats such as fish, fresh fish, and flax seed and olive oils.
Classical music has been known to help improve memory. Try playing music while you relax in a bath, while listening to classical music.
Now that you know many techniques to help you improve your memory, you should have no trouble remembering what you need to pick up at the grocery store, or when your anniversary is. These tips will help you see rapid gains in your memory skills. Recall will come easier for you, keeping your mind sharp. You will lead a happier, better life.
Andrea Paduchak PT, LMT is a Massage Therapist and Physical Therapist in Nashua NH. Her specialty is sports massage, lymphatic drainage massage and ashiatsu massage. Http://www.complementsforhealth.com