A very common resolution every New Year’s is to lose some pounds in the next year.
Staying active is one great way to shed some unwanted pounds. Riding a bike or taking a walk helps your burn a lot of calories, while sitting on the couch will not.A small amount of movement is all that is necessary, so try to swap some activity for TV time!
If you discontinue the use of red meat you can lose weight.Red meat is high in saturated fat and cholesterol and is very bad for your heart. Try to limit your consumption of red meat and choose fish, eat lean meats like chicken or turkey, or other lean options instead.
Heart Rate
If you want to lose weight focus on cardio. Cardio exercise concentrates on elevating your heart rate which in turn causes the body to burn fat. Any activity that gets your heart rate up and keeps it there qualifies as cardiovascular exercise, so just find something you like to do.
It is imperative that you keep an account of the calories you are taking in each day. Once you know how many calories you need, you can work to stay within your limits.
Split meals with a friend when eating out.Many restaurants serve large potions that are too much for just one person. Ask for an extra plate and share your meal instead of eating it by yourself. You’ll eat less and save cash at the same time.
Do not make food to be your only source of enjoyment. There are those who really like to cook and therefore also tend to eat a great deal. Food can be soothing and a lot of fun.You should find other things you enjoy more than food. Try getting a hobby that will encourage you lose weight.
A small plate can help you from overeating. There have been studies done that show that we eat whatever size portion is set in front of them.
If losing weight is one of your New Year’s Resolutions, you’re now on your way! With the tips and ideas given here, you are now armed with the information you’ll need to be successful in your weight loss. Here’s hoping you achieve what you desire!
Andrea Paduchak PT, LMT is a Massage Therapist and Physical Therapist in Nashua NH. Her specialty is sports massage, lymphatic drainage massage and ashiatsu massage. Http://www.complementsforhealth.com