Do you (or does a friend or family member) suffer from acid reflux? If you are familiar with it then you know the pain that it can cause. It’s not fun to have your insides are on fire every time you eat. You can alleviate the pain of heartburn by using the tips in this article.
Acid Reflux
Some trigger foods cause acid reflux or make existing reflux worse. Fried foods, caffeinated beverages, chocolate, and even chocolate are common triggers for acid reflux. Citrus fruits and other acidic produce are also well known culprits.The triggers can vary from person to person, and you need to sort out which ones are yours. Just avoid these foods to be safe.
Slippery elm helps coat your stomach and reduces the mucous membranes that line the stomach. This gives your stomach from acid. Many folks just take a tablespoon or two in their cup of water following meals an before bedtime.
Nicotine causes acid reflux worse since it increases stomach acid.
It pays to remain in an upright position for two hours after you eat as well. Lying down or reclining just serves to bring acid to climb up your esophagus. You can find relief in your esophagus if you sit or seated position.
Exercising right after you eat can aggravate your acid reflux. Food that is in your stomach may be forced up into your esophagus when your lower abdominal muscles are contracting during an exercise routine. Wait at least one to two hours after your meal before exercising.
Don’t ever ignore chest pain! It is possible that a symptom of a potential heart attack. Talk to a doctor about your options. You will feel better knowing a serious issue on your chest pains.
Use a wedge or bricks to increase the incline. The head of the bed should be elevated six inches or so. This keeps acid in your stomach when you sleep through the night.
If this ever happens to you or a loved one again, you’ll be more prepared. Prior to this, you simply had to wish that it would disappear as soon as possible. Your will actually be able to treat it now. Acid reflux can be eliminated forever if you use these tips.
Andrea Paduchak PT, LMT is a Massage Therapist and Physical Therapist in Nashua NH. Her specialty is sports massage, lymphatic drainage massage and ashiatsu massage. Http://